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A Conversation with China Miéville

On literature, politics, religion, consciousness, and assorted other things...

I had a conversation recently with China Miéville, the celebrated novelist, essayist, political theorist, and generally amiable soul. The proximate occasion was the appearance of his most recent book, A Spectre, Haunting, but our exchange ranged over his books and mine, fiction and non-fiction, and any number of topics that interest us both. And, of course, who can resist a conversation between a heterodox Marxist and a classical Christian socialist on the phenomenology of awe? I know I can’t.

Incidentally, China wishes to express his boundless contrition at having at one point spoken of Lunacharsky when in fact he had meant to say Ernst Bloch. You can only imagine the agony of his shame

The recording appears also on the YouTube channel for Leaves in the Wind.

Leaves in the Wind
Leaves in the Wind
David Bentley Hart