The (in person) jovial and (in print) mordant Ed Simon and I had a conversation recently, on any number of topics, but at greatest length on literary style and the tyranny of journalistic parsimony in style-manuals. During the first half of the exchange, there were occasional interjections and interruptions by a certain two-and-a-half-year-old commentator, and as a result a few awkward cuts are now to be found in the recording. Once that captious critic had retired in disgust for a nap, things became more continuous (if less amusing).
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A Conversation with Ed Simon
A Conversation with Ed Simon
On prose style, hating Strunk & White, religion and literature, the numinous within the arts, atheists new and old, French bulldogs and their elfin origins, Harold Bloom, and so much more...
Feb 15, 2023
A Conversation with Ed Simon