I happen to know Solrun and am delighted to be reminded of her. I brought her to Melbourne Australia some years ago to mount an exhibition of her icons during an Orientale Lumen Conference of which I was the convenor. Visiting Bergan a few years ago I tried to meet up with her, only to find that she

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I have long admired Nes's work, and recently purchased both The Uncreated Light and the The Mystical Language of Icons for the library where I work. I had no idea she was in the family. Wonderful news.

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My mother began to write icons late in life. She had at least one of Solrun’s books. It’s nice to discover a connection between her and your brother and his wife. However small and tenuous.

I ended up watching some YouTube‘s of your brother teaching and solrun teaching. They both seem like very gracious and lovely human beings

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Well, she is...

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to Norway. Uncreated light is almost her medium.

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They live by the Hardangerfjord, a little more than an hour outside Bergen, as you say. My brother getting to live by a fjord while I'm in Indiana is, as far as I can see, a cosmic injustice.

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Indeed, the huge difference in vitamin D intake is hardly just.

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Ask them if they’ve ever been to Tautra Mariakloster https://www.tautra.org/

I had a small part in its early days.

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Also, we live about 30 minutes from South Bend in Sawyer, MI. A lot of Swedes and Norwegians built their stugas beside Lake Michigan because it reminded them of home.

You are welcome any time. To walk our beach or sit on our porch to watch the sunsets! They are daily examples of the mysterium tremendum et fascinans.

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Why does the landscape improve so markedly when one crosses over into Michigan?

Thanks for the invitation. Nothing is impossible.

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had moved away one hour plus from the centre of town. I ran out time to catch up Instead we talked at length on the phone and I very much want to return

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How lovely.

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I love the icons!

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Well you should.

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A Norwegian Christian? That is interesting. I always (probably incorrectly) assumed it was a secular and irreligious country.

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By Scandinavian standards, it's positively God-haunted.

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It's not run by cats, either, but I've reason to believe cats do live there

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Actually, it is run by cats. Little known fact.

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Oh boy, another "Norge er kontrollert av katter" extremist

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Cats run everything, everywhere.

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For proof one need only ask them.

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Aug 2, 2022
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Believe me, not my "oh so sophisticated" nephew. Norges hemmelige råd for katter har eksistert og operert siden 988 e.Kr.

Hail, Bastet, Queen of the North!

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I mean they domesticated themselves in ancient Egypt. It’s obvious that they are our masters.

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Norway has been a predominantly Christian country for over 1000 years. Where do you think all those churches came from that the black metal bands burned down?

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And of course there are the trolls

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Their religious views tend toward the latitudinarian, I understand.

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