This is the book I have been anticipating the most. I can't wait.

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I shared with Dr Hart that when I opened the email, I amusingly misread the title, and thought, “Am I really God’s discount code?” 😂

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That sounds like something I’d do 😆

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I just checked on Amazon… apparently the Kindle version (which I preordered) will be released on April Fool’s Day. I don’t suppose that means anything… or does it? LOL Merry Christmas!

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I suppose the title could in fact be an April Fool’s joke…. Wait and see, I suppose.

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Thank you, David. I have just started to get into your work. Currently reading "The Beauty of the Infinite" and am at the part where you explore the Analogy of Being. A question I have as a newbie is how your presentation of the Analogia Entis 'relates' or 'integrates' with the idea of Divine Energies? Is there someplace you could point me to in your work to get a better grasp of this?

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No, I can’t, I fear. The issue doesn’t interest me. I am not a neo-Palamite (and I regard neo-Palamism as irreconcilable with the real Greek patristic tradition).

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Simultaneously not surprised and delighted.

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I just subscribed because I want to thank you for all of the YouTube videos and conversations you have done over the past years. I have learned *a ton* and the least I could do is subscribe to this Substack as thanks. So, thank you. (Would have subscribed sooner but just learned about it yesterday.) I hope that the subscriptions allow you to continue to do lots of interviews and videos and the like, spreading the Gospel and your great knowledge.

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You are a mensch.

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