The resemblance is quite striking. Be careful you yourself aren't hooded & bagged by Interpol spooks who may be working with outdated intel. Though you may be able to escape if you can produce your books and demonstrate that your works tend to be much longer. Get them arguing amongst themselves about what Paul meant by heavenly bodies etc. and slip off unnoticed.
He began shedding his golden girlish locks at about age five. He's only acquired the Churchillian glare you see in the photo (if not the girth) in recent years, though.
The Robert Walser of deranged late-capitalist vibes.
In bringing up Walser, you could not have been more apt. Now my nephew will be all giggly with glee. He and I are Walserians of old.
I am renowned for my aptness.
Now you know I’m going to need to put this on my collection
And there WILL be a collection. I need you in print!
Thanks, Patrick!
I'm a big fan.
"Buildings burned quickly, before they were recognized" is one of my favourite sentences I've read this year
That's a good one, yes.
Thanks, friend
The resemblance is quite striking. Be careful you yourself aren't hooded & bagged by Interpol spooks who may be working with outdated intel. Though you may be able to escape if you can produce your books and demonstrate that your works tend to be much longer. Get them arguing amongst themselves about what Paul meant by heavenly bodies etc. and slip off unnoticed.
Sounds like a Monty Python sketch.
He began shedding his golden girlish locks at about age five. He's only acquired the Churchillian glare you see in the photo (if not the girth) in recent years, though.