Pulled into your last paragraph, deeply I was. So true and beautiful as said in the saying.
I've never been for Brahms. Neither for Mahler nor for Beethoven (except the early piano sonatas of the latter and his symphony, Pastoral). Chopin is okay. I like his Scherzo.
I didn't know Bruckner. I'm just an ignorant barbarian for many t…
Pulled into your last paragraph, deeply I was. So true and beautiful as said in the saying.
I've never been for Brahms. Neither for Mahler nor for Beethoven (except the early piano sonatas of the latter and his symphony, Pastoral). Chopin is okay. I like his Scherzo.
I didn't know Bruckner. I'm just an ignorant barbarian for many things by all means. Music is no exception.
I'm clinging on Mozart and Bach, with whom how happy I can be at any time and always. The 17th century (northern Italy) concertos of strings, in addition.
Looking forward to the arrival of your music installment!
Pulled into your last paragraph, deeply I was. So true and beautiful as said in the saying.
I've never been for Brahms. Neither for Mahler nor for Beethoven (except the early piano sonatas of the latter and his symphony, Pastoral). Chopin is okay. I like his Scherzo.
I didn't know Bruckner. I'm just an ignorant barbarian for many things by all means. Music is no exception.
I'm clinging on Mozart and Bach, with whom how happy I can be at any time and always. The 17th century (northern Italy) concertos of strings, in addition.
Looking forward to the arrival of your music installment!
ps: ... I suddenly realized I know Jochum...