
Two Interviews and a Notice

Eclipses, Terror, and Wonder; American Christianity and Race; Michel Leiris

Recently, Giulia Leo, a student at Columbia University's Graduate School for Journalism, conducted a short interview with me for an audio story to be broadcast on Columbia's own Uptown Radio. The topic of the piece is eclipses and it is directly related to the book Eclipse and Revelation: Total Solar Eclipses in Science, History, Literature, and the Arts, edited by Tom McLeish and Henrike Lange (to which I contributed an essay). More specifically, her story concerns Native American beliefs, practices, and traditions. I found it a delightful conversation. Her piece appeared today (28 March), and it incorporates some material from the interview; but here is the interview in its entirety. As ever, there is a copy over at the YouTube annex of Leaves in the Wind, which you can reach here if the Substack player fails you (or even if it does not).

I was also recently interviewed by a very likable youth pastor named Wesley Hargon for his podcast Lilies and Conversations. The chief topic was American Christianity and race, though the conversation wandered into other areas from time to time.

Finally: In one of my Books for a Very Long Journey postings (I do not recall which one), I recommended Michel Leiris’s four-part autobiographical work The Rules of the Game, though I noted at the time that only three of its volumes were as yet available in English. The fourth and final volume has now appeared in Yale’s Margellos World Republic of Letters series, translated by the great Richard Sieburth. So, if my earlier encomium piqued your interest and opened your wallet, you may wish to complete the set. (It really is a masterpiece.)

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